rondo988Dec 03 2010 11:13pmFLAGif you are close with her and can talk about sex comfortably, start a conversation about sex and what you like and what does she like. then ask her if shed you if you werent her step brother. if she is willing to play along with that, tell her about your opportunity to get good intense dirty sex at home whenever she wants, and see what happens.
Horny BroDec 06 2010 9:27amFLAGI got stepsis younger than me. I get her by wrestling. I get on top an pin her then hump her so she stop wiggle around. She let me push up her shirt and suck her boobs. We do this a few time before she let me her.
DevonDec 13 2010 6:03amFLAGwell since this is your step sister, nothing wrong with it, i did mine when we was younger, it was great, just wait till no one else is home, get totally ***** walk in her room and tell her you wanna heck:-) she will do it.
plezrzmineDec 13 2010 7:56amFLAGalright i got a stepsister who is pretty u if u hate on me its the hormones
pimpDec 30 2010 10:58pmFLAG
Deedly Dee DeJan 14 2011 1:05pmFLAGThank you Deedly Dee De for your advice!! I'm in love with this walrus.
sisterseducerJan 14 2011 4:45pmFLAGWhen your in the house alone just get talking for about 2 miniuets so she is comfortable around you then say " shall I tell you what would be fun" she will say what then you say wrestling if she says yes you will have her pretty much rubbin her on you. then when its over look deeply into her eyes and let it happen from there.
meJan 26 2011 12:49pmFLAGTalk to her about it, if it dont work idk what to tell you. Dont take the retarted advice some of thse a**holes on here give you like rape her. Thats sick & really ed up
AnonymousJan 06 2013 2:02pmFLAGCulo mas verga igual a problemas
MeJan 11 2013 9:56amFLAGdrug her drink u know the rest ;)
de guru of de sexFeb 19 2013 6:39amFLAGMy stepsister is beautiful
me hard Mar 03 2013 8:05pmFLAGLove is love. You don't choose who you end up loving. go for it man.
AnonimyMar 16 2013 10:58amFLAGfirst buy vodka give it to her have a drinking contest when shes drunk ask her to you for mother russia! works every time
The Soviet UnionJun 29 2013 9:10pmFLAGalright, what you got to do is slowly start to get more sexual with the way you talk to her, then you ask if you are attractive, then you start flirting, then you ask to her. and tell the truth about how you feel.
The true anon!Jul 13 2013 8:40pmFLAGI jizz all over min
bitchJul 23 2013 6:36pmFLAGgo to sleep with her and when she would have been sleeping,grab her ass,boobs, tightly and when she will wake up just act as you dont know that she had woken.then see her expresion and if you feel that its the right time so bang on
justinSep 04 2013 10:08pmFLAG and cumulative everywhere
poopSep 30 2013 7:14pmFLAGI'm she's how can I get her to have sex or give me a handjob?
HomeOct 04 2013 7:08pmFLAGDoes anyone have advise on hou te get my step sister in bed she is and i am no petards plz
mcjNov 07 2013 10:27amFLAGOk so I am 23 my step sister just turned 20 two weeks ago. Our parents married only 3 years ago and me and my stepsister had never met before that. I live a couple states away from her well one day she came down to visit with we mom and my dad and we hung out alone for a while and eventually made out, nothing more came from it that night but after that I couldn't stop thinking about her I wanted to be in her so bad. About a year ago I moved to the same state to be closer to my family. I had briefly mentioned our make out session and if she was ever curious over it and she shut me down, so ocassionally I'd half way joke when she wanted something of mine if say pic of your boobs and we call it even she finally said don't try to come out of the friend zone. I am actually very smooth with my words not to sound c*cky in anyway but I can mind game almost any female into what I want from her sex of course. Not to mention I'm not half bad looking from what I've been told. Well one day she was hard up for money she needed $60 I said tell you what you kill my curiosity and I'll give you $200 and she said what curiosity I said come on you know. She of course had to think it over so she jumped in the shower and took an extra long shower by that point I was pretty sure it was a yea. When she got out she said I don't wanna feel like a prostitute so I told her look you need help I need help dot lie and say it's never crossed your mind. I re assured her that not another sole would ever know an five minutes later I made love to her. Best sex I've ever had to this day. And since that day when I have a little craving I just ask and it's our little secret. I have dreamed about having a with her as I love her more than I should. I've came inside her multiple times but her merana keeps it from happening. Anyways I wanted to share this story so you know there is hope and If you have something she wants/needs use it to your advantage. The worst she can do is say no, and If she did I gaurantee she'd never tell a sole as she's be embarrassed. Go for it!!!
MeNov 13 2013 11:34amFLAGI just touch my step sister when she is sleeping. ed her in her sleep last night
AnonNov 14 2013 8:11amFLAGI'm so in love with my little stepsister want to have sex with her how do to have sex with me ps so hot and cute I want her so badly
SEAN THUNDERNov 28 2013 1:17pmFLAGHow can i heck my step sis she is i am i want to heck her but every one is always at home
dj cleanDec 05 2013 11:33amFLAG
take her out for a drive at the edge of the night....park the car away from the road and ask her if she is a virgin.....slowly kiss her neck, she'll go with the flow
AK47Dec 09 2013 3:33amFLAGI got same prob as dj clean
AnonymousDec 09 2013 2:23pmFLAGi have sex with my step sister every night. she is 10 years old and im
****Dec 17 2013 5:00amFLAGI'm and my step-sister just turned 18 but I really want her. Any advice? Oh she's popular has a boyfriend and huge boobs and a NICE ass.
ThomasFeb 01 2014 12:35amFLAGwanna girl push up on her in a tight space accidently on purpose there gonna think one of three things a u like em bur playin with em or c ur just a perv bit.they probably alreadt knew it anyways
giggetyFeb 16 2014 4:10amFLAGHey guys, my step sis is 19 and Last year I hid my iPod in the bathroom to get a vid of her taking a shower/ bath and she found my iPod, when I went to get my iPod she told me she found my iPod and I was the most scarred I have even been in my whole life. She gave me my iPod and I later looked and found out she didn't delete the video. Which surprised me. And I really want to do her so wht should I do?
AnonymousMar 22 2014 8:04pmFLAGwhile walking try to seduce her by touching her ass and other body parts,if she don't say anything next step get caught masturbathing or ***** .try to get in her room while changing .praise her beauty.give advice to look beautiful . Make her feel what u want from her.try to see her body part closely. Help her care her.
atmMar 23 2014 4:05amFLAGtake pleasure with condom and make sure noby known your thinking except sis
atmMar 23 2014 4:11amFLAGget up in midnight go to her room
atmMar 23 2014 4:14amFLAGwhen you are alone with her force her after few minute she wil force u
atmMar 27 2014 12:14amFLAGPut your d*ck in her vagina! 8====DÂ¥
PewDiePieMay 16 2014 5:22pmFLAGListen I'm the real deal I've ed mine hundreds of times. Here's what you do. 1.Touch her ass and see what she says. ( if she don't care go to step 2) 2.Hide a iPod etc. where she can find it since she didn't care in step 1 she shouldn't care about that. 3. Confront her and she should refuse at first but she will eventually give in and you can have passionate sex. YOUR WELCOME BITCHES!!
THEONEANDONLYMay 26 2014 10:03pmFLAGwhen she is alone at home.were condom go near to her act as some on her face n say i wil remove n kiss her if she fight dont go futher if she keep quiet .hug her tieghtly so that she get seduce and the become imran hasmi of india
atmJun 05 2014 1:13pmFLAGGive her a Little Cedar. That will let her know, and get in the mood. Did I mention a little cedar is the cure for everything?
Lepanto, 71Jun 17 2014 10:36pmFLAGim and my sister is 21 and i think she is sexy nice ass and nice boobs i mean huge boobs. she has had a conversation about how big my d*ck is before and we do snuggle ive rubbed my d*ck on here a bunch but i wanna get her in bed with me and put my d*ck in here p. any addvice on that plz.
jitterbotJul 24 2014 5:08pmFLAGI'm and I really want to do my sister. She has big boobs that shake everytime she runs. What do I do?
YouKnowMe? NoYouDontNov 26 2014 9:07pmFLAGI dont know what to do ... I have dreams about my step sister all the time.. and I really want to f*** her... Some one please help
blankNov 29 2014 3:25pmFLAG so I'm almost and my stepsis is 23... We're very close, she basically lives at my house. We are both drug addicts and we talk a lot. idk, I love her in the most complicated way. Like I honestly care about her and she cares about me but I can just feel some sexual tension between us. I can almost see it in her eyes when we talk and can see it in body language. I need to find out for sure cuz I keep getting confused of weather or not she finds attraction in me too. Like she always tells me how mature I am and we talk about ppl we f*****d but not in detail. Idk, I need some advice and tips
KhancommandoNov 29 2014 8:49pmFLAGHello, first off, you can go ahead and save yourself the time and hassle if don't like what my question is pertaining to.. we are not inbred crazys.. she's 19 and im 18. It all started when I text her off a fake number pretending to be a secret admirerer. She didn't play into it and within a day she had it figured out that it was me. She wasn't upset at all.. she had always found me attattractive. But she said she wanted me to be forward about what it was that I wanted and that honestly was just a siblings with benefits kinda deal I guess. I told her I wanted to teach her some things because she was still really ininnocent. She agreed to making out. I snuck in her room and we slowly progressed to making out. I felt her DD tits and I was sooooo turned on. She's still a virgin and is really self concise. She only agreed to making out so I went back to my room and had the biggest orgasam of my life. I want to try to go farther with her but don't know how to.. seeing if there's anyone else who has gone through something ssimilar. What do I do next?
EasyE68Dec 01 2014 9:56pmFLAGIs there anyone on here i could talk to not pervertedly but i need some1 to tlk to about me and my step sis
yo momma987Dec 06 2014 1:35pmFLAGWhen she walks out of the bathroom pass a corner and "accidentally" bump into her. If her towel falls say ""
If not then say "oh I'm sorry" but kind laugh and rub against her
Or you could be the one in the towel and bump into her on "accident" (while having a boner) and "drop" the towel and as you bump into her)
She will see your deck and maybe like it
....Apr 29 2015 1:11pmFLAGMine is a vergin but we almost done it before but she was to young to get wet an I try all the time like I got pictures of her when she is sleeping and videos of her in the shower
AnonymousMay 18 2015 3:02pmFLAGHow do you get away with the videos
A randomMay 18 2015 6:50pmFLAGIm 18 step sister is she super hot i wanna her but dont want her to tell parent shes a virgin still
fjfxjsMay 29 2015 4:02pmFLAGI'm and my stepsister is 19 how do I her
HhgMay 30 2015 8:55pmFLAGjust slowly make her feel bad for you, or slowly make her like u
kdkdnJun 01 2015 7:59amFLAGMy stepsister has seen my d*** she looked down and smiled I don't know what that means but every time I see her either
she looks down and smiles or she just looks down and puts her finger in her mouth all sexy like
AnonymousJun 07 2015 8:53pmFLAGIs is ok to your stepsister even though u are and she is
big godNov 27 2015 4:12pmFLAGGive some advice I want to her so bad, we don't talk but I always walk past her room and wear basketball shorts so she can kids see my boner I just want to walk in and Fuk her but it's like she ignores me..
AnonymousDec 20 2015 7:54pmFLAGI love my step siter i will try to get her ***** when no body is home then start kissing her
FHerRightInTheApr 13 2016 8:43pmFLAGCoolboy3 smart advice I do that too it worked out good.
Hidden PersonJun 22 2016 2:09amFLAGim and my stepbrother ishe has tried to cuz i felt his d*ck get hard throgh his jeans and then he asked me to turn around and i did then he came close enough to the point her my tits were up to my neck and kissed me all over and started to grab my tits and lick them the pulled down my thong and slapped my ass so hard i was going to cry in excitement and i just want to say he hasnt hit yet but ohhh he will i promise that anyways this is just for guys to know that there is luck and to start out by getting alone and then let the magic work
a.m.bJun 23 2016 9:17pmFLAGI'm and my step sister is and I was looking through
Her phone and saw some *** in there so then I had a suspicious feeling the next day I was looking at her ass and I wanted to f*** her so bad and I go into her room and play weird games with her and I got a boner in there and she rubbed against it and I came so I rushed to the bathroom to clean my boxers I want to sex her up but idk how
Anonymous Jul 13 2016 8:52pmFLAGI ed my step sis and it was the best sex of my life
No NameAug 11 2016 8:46amFLAGI also want to my step sister..been spying on her ever since she started livng with us wen I was ,now we both she's engaged nd I'm getting impatient
AndreyOct 10 2016 7:51pmFLAGMe and my step sis are home alone rn we never talked but I come over every other weekend help me
RiooOct 11 2016 8:52amFLAGConvince she is dreaming and f her
Fuce jerry6969420Nov 11 2016 8:28pmFLAGYou just need to express your real feelings tell her that's what u want she needs to know you can't hide all your life
TheHelpingHandNov 22 2016 10:10amFLAGSex among cousins is legal in kenya but it is against moral ethics ..... beautiful ladies are many outside there ... go for them leave ur stepsisters alone ....
I'm black so I can say Oct 22 2017 4:59pmFLAGjust talk dirthy
sbonisoApr 21 2019 5:29amFLAGMen this night i'll try to w/ my step sister 4 real
JustW2putMYd1¢kinsideDec 28 2019 12:21pmFLAGallyou need to do is convince her it was her idea and also turn her on it's pretty easy i do it all the time with her and i still feel so lucky every time also if any one comments back to leave my step sis alone i wont respond but remember that during coronavirus we need to get some one and that is how i discovered my favorite sex partner i would prefer my step sis over anyone else any day
ThatonefurryApr 28 2020 11:25pmFLAG - sex xxx
AnonymousFeb 26 2021 1:43amFLAG - sex xxx
AnonymousMar 13 2021 2:49amFLAGSo my step sis use this face cleaner called cetaphil and it looks like sp3rm so when I go in the shower I gi22 in it but now I am not shur what to do next. She hase a bf and he is black and she likes black duds (witch I am not) and she talks to me how she bang bang him and stuff and she even shows me pictures of her ass when it got all scratched up. And even sometimes I wake up early and I talk her phone and Send her nak3d picks to me. I really what to do something to like advance this. Btw I’m and she is
AnonymousApr 01 2021 3:13amFLAGIn any the actuality, the standards of profitable news-casting haven't been willing of through this weighty snare index. Google in truth thinks usually relative to the characterize and sum total of articles, solely as a component of its XML. Major news-casting is tied in with being straightforward and as even headed as could be expected.
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AnonymousApr 05 2021 10:03amFLAGWatch my home video wife tricked threesome
rxYqyHgFcFbJLRMpdibAug 03 2021 6:48amFLAGYou commit an error. I can prove it. Write to me in PM, we will talk.
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AnonymousAug 09 2021 1:11pmFLAGAsk her if she wants to play and if she says yes we do it and I call it play because it doesn't sound sus Infront of our parents I'm and she is but for some reason she made the first move by accidentally waking me up by trying to silently give me a blow job
AnonymousAug 09 2021 1:14pmFLAGanon that was 10 years ago bro
AnonymousNov 20 2021 10:08amFLAGI want to do it so much, sometimes I take her dirty bra and pantys and cum in them! She is older than me and I am afraid she will tell my parents
ENov 30 2021 10:33pmFLAGI'm and she is 18 and my step sister has a fat ass and I want to her but every one is always home any tips guys
AnonymousJun 25 2022 11:02pmFLAGcan u tell me how i can shes just so ing hot but we have an age difference and our dad is strict im and shes i dont know how i can do it
help the man @teststaffJul 17 2022 4:06pmFLAGniger
PeniisApr 29 2023 6:26pmFLAGSo when you are hard just find her on a bed and lay down next to her this is to see if she is interested so if she is then she will come closer or be figity and then just ask her and take it from there
ur mom Aug 02 2023 1:16amFLAGWhat do u do if she says no and is going to snitch
Desperate DanAug 20 2023 10:23pmFLAGshe tried raping me and stroking my dck but I loved it
Mr rapdtOct 21 2023 8:15amFLAGI want to her biggggg boooobs
How can I touch
AnonymousNov 11 2023 4:38pmFLAGJUST GO AND **** HER
MAN OF THE YEARJan 13 2024 6:26amFLAGI iam 20 an my step sis is how i sex with her I show them how I like them and then she say we have age difference. Many time I try to sex with her but she didn't intrested how I do with my step sis