The Problem: i want to be a physiscan assistant but i dont know how much it cost for med school n collge
Asked by: want it at
09:20:16 AM, Sunday, April 05, 2009 EDT
ITT Tech is a pretty good place to get that type of degree and doesn't take as long as regular colleges since you don't take a lot of BS courses.
My brother went to ITT Tech and he makes about 0k dollars a year!
If you want to be a Physician, you need to learn to spell.
sageApr 07 2009 11:33amFLAGAsk jesus for the money or you could go downtown on a a couple of priests for dollars. Oh my god you could just phone up and ask like. You eating cat kicking dog bothering chubi...
SpikeApr 23 2009 6:33amFLAGu should study about that subject a lot and start saving up money just in case like i want to be a geologist and i know kind of a lot but not enough and it costs a lot for college and thats wat im doin.
harry potter is hotApr 26 2009 12:47pmFLAGDon't go you ME HITLER
Quod Vos reputo ego sum malumMay 03 2009 4:40amFLAGi agree with sage
don't worry it's like Hannah Montana said " everybody makes mistakes."
mvlMay 15 2009 8:03pmFLAG
i see what you did there mvl
DERPMay 20 2009 11:36pmFLAGWell you have to for one get as many grants and scholarships as possibl and then you go through other financial aide, also look into seeing if you can get a hospital to pay for your education, but you don't need to go to the priciest school to get a good education so look into places like jet skier said ITT
TatsuMay 28 2009 10:22pmFLAGstrawberry toaster strudels are really good in the mornings if u heat them alittle and put frosting on them. nobody gives a about your dreams you little bastard.
i want bedJan 22 2011 8:01pmFLAGGive advice: