Fantasy Hoops




The Problem: i hate POWER

Asked by: Blind Nigger at 07:25:59 AM, Saturday, January 10, 2004 EST FLAG


u all stank

Blind Jan 10 2004 12:26pm FLAG

u all breaten up my air stop doin that.

Blind Jan 10 2004 12:27pm FLAG
is this the 5:00 free crack give away.

Tyrone Biggums Jan 10 2004 12:28pm FLAG
is this the 5:00 free crack give away

Tyrone Biggums Jan 10 2004 12:28pm FLAG
is this the 5:00 free crack give away

Tyrone Biggums Jan 10 2004 12:28pm FLAG
is this the 5:00 free crack give away

Tyrone Biggums Jan 10 2004 12:28pm FLAG
is this the 5:00 free crack give away

Tyrone Biggums Jan 10 2004 12:28pm FLAG
is this the 5:00 free crack give away

Tyrone Biggums Jan 10 2004 12:28pm FLAG
is this the 5:00 free crack give away

Tyrone Biggums Jan 10 2004 12:28pm FLAG
is this the 5:00 free crack give away

Tyrone Biggums Jan 10 2004 12:28pm FLAG
damn s u all stank i can smell u from here

Blind Jan 10 2004 12:29pm FLAG
someone me

Anonymous Jan 10 2004 12:34pm FLAG
psh get a lyfe blind nig*er we all know why your sayin dis is cuz ur bored. go find somthin to do instead of talkin shi* you don't know about lil boy! you got prolems go seek conseling or somthin cuz ur wun ed up bit*h!

AbErCrOmBiEaZn Jan 10 2004 12:35pm FLAG
i hate people name AbErCrOmBiEaZn they sound like god damn crackers.i hate crackers.exept saltine crakers there kool

Blind Jan 10 2004 12:42pm FLAG
u stank all u fags stank breathen up all my air

Blind Jan 10 2004 12:45pm FLAG

Anonymous Jan 10 2004 12:54pm FLAG
i hate anonymous fags they stank breathen up all my air

Blind Jan 10 2004 12:56pm FLAG
go hate somewher elze n i aint white! im aZN fOo do yooh kno wut wordz mean? mayn get a lyfe your annoying

AbErCrOmBiEaZn Jan 10 2004 1:03pm FLAG
i hate them chinks 2 they breathen up my air.damn dirty chank.

Blind Jan 10 2004 1:39pm FLAG

me dude k h a Jan 10 2004 1:41pm FLAG
MMm, Delicious!These saltine Craker Taste GREAT!!! Hey is this the free crack giveaway?

Tyrone Biggums Jan 10 2004 1:53pm FLAG
man u dirty black rascist bitch.

AznGangsta Jan 10 2004 2:09pm FLAG
dude you sonofabitch you ripped that off from chappelle go your self

strange man Jan 10 2004 3:05pm FLAG
i hate strange fags they breathen up all my air.

Blind Jan 10 2004 7:59pm FLAG
i didnt copy nothing that s breathen up all my air.

Blind Jan 10 2004 8:01pm FLAG
lets talk about them chinese people with there kung fu and ching chong chi i cant understand u go back 2 ur country.breathen up my air.i hate all u chanks u all stank

Blind Jan 10 2004 8:03pm FLAG
man shut the hell up u aint nothing i kill u if i kno who u were damn rascist bitch wat the hell r u then if u hate everything jackass

Blind Jan 10 2004 8:05pm FLAG
quit brathen up all MY ing space go shoot urself.

Z Jan 10 2004 8:50pm FLAG
will someone me

Anonymous Jan 11 2004 6:16am FLAG
I am as white as they come! I love you Blind !

White As They Come Jan 11 2004 6:21am FLAG
when did it become your air you again and agian....and azngansta you shouldn' have said that 'dirty black racist bit*h' thing!

anti-nazi Jan 11 2004 11:18am FLAG
ey sorry anti-nazi but its true he hates every1.then wat the hell is he.u have 2 admit he is a ed up crack head.

AznGangsta Jan 11 2004 1:51pm FLAG
shut ur chink ass up azngangsta i hate gangsta's and chinks they breathen up my air.u all stank..

Blind Jan 11 2004 1:52pm FLAG

Anonymous Jan 11 2004 3:28pm FLAG
he copyed this from chapelle he isnt origanal

strange man Jan 11 2004 4:14pm FLAG
i hate them gay strange fags dont even kno what there sayin always breathen up my air.i hate u strange fags.stop breathen up my air.

Blind Jan 12 2004 5:37am FLAG
that s.always breathen up my air.them pot smoken monkeys.

Blind Jan 12 2004 5:38am FLAG
who exactly do u lyk then u wanker

Anonymous Jan 12 2004 11:00am FLAG
dam tru dat tru dat anonymous!!

blindzstupid Jan 12 2004 10:06pm FLAG
Hey Hoai you eat the c*ck

Saltine Cracker Jan 13 2004 4:34pm FLAG
khanh ur a fag i didnt do anything c*ck sucker so leave me out of it

Hoai Jan 13 2004 5:11pm FLAG
you Hoai all I wanted to say was the truth and that is that you eat the c*ck so there.BIATCH

Saltine Cracker Jan 13 2004 5:17pm FLAG

Anonymous Jan 13 2004 5:30pm FLAG
chase go 2 hell.u dirty c*ck quit playin around like that.

the real Hoai Jan 14 2004 4:13pm FLAG
My advice to everyone here is jus to shut up :) if u shut up nobody can say sumthin so then you will hav nuthin to fight about

???????? Jan 14 2004 4:14pm FLAG

THE WHITE MAN Jan 16 2004 9:45am FLAG
ey ey i hate u crackers out ther.i hate u s

Blind Jan 16 2004 7:04pm FLAG
is this the 5:00 free crack give away

Tyrone Biggums Jan 16 2004 7:04pm FLAG
i wont some crack.

Tyrone Biggums Jan 16 2004 7:05pm FLAG
its so simple 2 make.all u need is some cocaine and some backing so simple.

Tyrone Biggums Jan 16 2004 7:06pm FLAG
i want me some crack now.please give me some crack.ill even take anthoract.i want me some damn crack.

Tyrone Biggums Jan 16 2004 7:07pm FLAG
shut ur damn pie hole u s breathen up my air.

Blind Jan 16 2004 7:08pm FLAG
There is nothing wrong with gothic people. Shut the hell up you fag wierdo. And so what If people like anime everyone has there own interests. And your interet is being a fag wierdo. My friends a gothic punk, I should have him kick your F**king fag wierdo ass for saying S**t like this. he has a criminal record. So shut you F**king mouth you fag wierdo if you know whats good for you. And shut up about crack. Aerosol cans are better according to my friend. Go sniff an aerosol can and get a f**king life fag weirdo.

Katana_Gurl Loves Cobra Jan 20 2004 1:18pm FLAG

me not you Jan 21 2004 9:10pm FLAG
if i was a guy id wana be a black dude cus they have huge d*cks! ur just a hater and ur life prolly sucks and u prolly only hate those kinda ppl cus they hate u cus ur such a asshead

mr ladi Jan 22 2004 1:48pm FLAG
ey u get ur whiteass out here i hate u crackers u all breathen up my air.what r u crackers talkin.s have smallass d*cks.u get ur loving animation ass out of here u damn cracker.

Blind Jan 23 2004 5:10am FLAG
how can u read if ur blind ,how can u tell who i am.

lotusgangmember Jan 29 2004 4:22pm FLAG
hahahahha! it's about damned time people openly joked about these lame issues. god bless chapelle

the watchdog Feb 05 2004 3:14pm FLAG
i love everyone, everyone is equal and beutiful your all wonderful human beings

IHATEFAGGOTS Feb 06 2004 5:07am FLAG
tyrone biggums

Anonymous Feb 08 2004 12:12am FLAG
tyrone biggums

Anonymous Feb 08 2004 12:12am FLAG
black people are persecuted in the us

Jimmy brownskin Feb 09 2004 12:48am FLAG
biggums potcha

tyrone biggums Feb 09 2004 7:03pm FLAG
Every one of you s with guns and lowlife c*ck suckin bitches with many guns who need to be takin kare of there brothers dix

UMM BIG KOOL KID hmm.. Feb 09 2004 7:03pm FLAG
yo its me dat s that have more then a 8 ball of dat coke fo sho, you damn near retarded. Eat that booty!

dat rivers Feb 09 2004 7:05pm FLAG
CondalINgis RICE...CONDILinGis Rice sounds like a mexican Dish ....meybe we should put her on a plate. send her to mexico . so the mExicans will eat HEr. white power

Hatin ME Feb 11 2004 9:59am FLAG
blind is a queer. he just wont admit it. i hav known him for at least 3 years. his real name is james. he has big problems. him mom is a jew and his dad just became a queer. please dont mind him. :)

uncle stevo Feb 11 2004 9:31pm FLAG
hey hey wat r u s breathen up all my damn air.

Blind Feb 14 2004 10:14am FLAG
NIgrez Go up ma ASS thATS Y shyt iz black

nigg3r H8ter Feb 20 2004 4:35pm FLAG
yo if u hate all those what the are u. fukinn green. i hate racists. i will beat all ur asses. just ask me my fkinn address and come get it. u guys are just too insecure with urself so u think about other races. fukinn douches

racist hater Feb 20 2004 8:52pm FLAG

Rick James Feb 24 2004 6:49pm FLAG

Rick James Feb 24 2004 6:50pm FLAG

Rick James Feb 24 2004 6:51pm FLAG

Rick James Feb 24 2004 6:51pm FLAG

Rick James Feb 24 2004 6:51pm FLAG

Rick James Feb 24 2004 6:51pm FLAG

Rick James Feb 24 2004 6:51pm FLAG
John: Yeah, I sure have. It talks about freedom. Freedom for Florida from the stench of people movin' here to retire or going on vacation. Build your own damn theme park in your own damn state! Florida theme parks is for Florida people only! That's what I say. I mean, I don't go to Alabama to visit a theme park, so why do they come here? Maurice: Mr. Hickory, your views are a little extreme. Plus, I don't believe there are theme parks in Alabama. John: Then they should stop commin' down my way and build Redneck Land or whatever. Damn redneck hicks ain't got no class! My views ain't extreme, mister, they're common sense, and what a lot of people would say if they had the guts. If you let people immigrate here from all over the so-called "United States", guess what? There's no more room! We'll be piled on top of each other like they are in Australia. What we're going to do soon is build a river... A river of freedom. A river of hope. A river which runs from coast to coast that cuts us off from the 47 states of wastrels and bad influcences to the north. We are going to cut Florida off from the mainland of our oppressors and float out to sea. Then, the nation of Florida will be free to start over. There're be no long-ass lines at the Long Flume or Pirate Ship ride when I take over! You and the kids will be able to ride the rides all day! We will have a rollercoaster for each and every Florida family!

John Florida Hickory Feb 24 2004 6:54pm FLAG
^^^ Vice City

ing gay ass site Feb 24 2004 6:56pm FLAG

VC OWNS Feb 24 2004 6:56pm FLAG
This is why on television I had people write letters to me and this is why I read the one that said that why am I so racist? because theres people like you in this country that make me sick, this is also why I keep the show well balanced. I never meant any harm for any racial things if I did, then why would I have all those people in my audience? Well I'll tell u why,Im Rick James Bitch! As Prince(In a deep voice)Game......Blouses.

Dave Chapelle Feb 27 2004 8:52pm FLAG
David Chappelle is one of, if not the FUNNIEST MAN ON THIS PLANET. People, come on! You have to see it for what it is, COMEDY! It's not about racism, it's not about white and black, it's about making people laugh. If you don't see that, you're not watching! I am a white man from the midwest. I come from a family of biggots and I have lived in and worked in an inter-racial environment my entire life. The skit about the r Family was a parody on 50s sitcoms. It contained lots of clever plays on words, puns and laughs. Notice the spelling, it's not the same as the N word. David Chappelle is a very creative and talented comedian. When he speaks the truth and it hurts you, you should stop and look in the mirror. Especially you folks that have the nads to call him a racist and then refer to him as a "brownie"!

Joe L. Mar 01 2004 8:20pm FLAG
OMFG, you guys are morons !!! Go watch Chappelle's Show, he's just quoting the Black White Supremacist skit, bwahaha !!! Oh, and you "AZN" guys, learn how to ing spell, dude !!! Looks like you guys got pwn3d by the weak-ass educational system here in the states, LMAO !!!!

Rick James, Bitch !!!! Mar 03 2004 5:33am FLAG
yep I gree wit dat der Rick James Feler. yalls needs to be watchin dat der Chapelle's show rite der. he is one funny S? all of the above ku klux klan man!!!! OOOOOOOO THE KU KLUX KLAN CAN. the ku klux klan cannnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!(last part sung by both).......OH my, that is a beatiful song (sniff) i cry every time I sing it, it's just so beatiful. white power..........

The Ku Klux Klan Man Mar 04 2004 11:04pm FLAG
Cement size fits all.

Someothermotherer Mar 07 2004 10:02am FLAG
hear hear klan man the white man listen with joy

the white man frank bailey Mar 10 2004 9:59am FLAG
your all pathetic

Anonymous Mar 13 2004 1:30pm FLAG

Anonymous Mar 14 2004 8:00am FLAG

SHUTDAFUCUP Mar 17 2004 2:04pm FLAG
Did I miss the free crack?

Tyree Mar 23 2004 3:46pm FLAG

THE REAL Mar 23 2004 7:08pm FLAG
j?vla homseknullere som har lagd den sia her da? den sugde v?re enn en 1.klassing skulle ha sugd en kuk!!!!!!!!! jaja..dokkes problem....hvis dokke forst?r nokke av d e skrive s?:P...gj?r dokke heilt sikkert ikke...hehe...LOL....stick your hand in your ass!!

den brukte kondom Mar 24 2004 1:38pm FLAG
I have a very large penis.

BIG Penis Mar 27 2004 6:03pm FLAG

Mar 29 2004 11:55am FLAG
Yeah, well if we are all so equal, why do we need affirmative action? I guess because they're SO equal that the goverment and universities just want to help them....and not because they're the bane of society and don't contribute as much because they're too busy listening to rap and shooting each other...

Luminous sniffer Mar 31 2004 7:33am FLAG
Is anthrax bad?

Tyrone Biggums Mar 31 2004 11:37am FLAG
come have sex with Charlie Murphy bitch!! IM RICK JAMES BITCH !!!

Rick James Mar 31 2004 11:39am FLAG
rick james BIACH i hate all ers and the all need to be hung the end no questions

HATER Apr 03 2004 2:47pm FLAG

HATER Apr 03 2004 2:49pm FLAG
big lipped tree swingin jungle bunnie jiggaboo s and nigglets!

andy aldrich Apr 03 2004 6:22pm FLAG
my adress is 23280 Greenling dr Novi, Mi 48375

Paul aldrich Apr 03 2004 6:23pm FLAG
Well, I never!!

Chuck Taylor Apr 03 2004 8:17pm FLAG
Eating Weed is not good

Suck my d*ck Apr 08 2004 10:12am FLAG
s are Cool

Black Magik Apr 08 2004 10:13am FLAG
Eating or smoking weed is GGGRRREEEAAAATTTTT!!!!!NO NO NO No. It's DYNOMITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SUCK MY WANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apr 10 2004 4:29pm FLAG
And You Never Will Chuck Taylor you Big

I'm Not Cool Apr 10 2004 4:31pm FLAG
shhiit an,t I nkow how tis keybord works or tis computur srwew all yall

Buck Nasty Apr 10 2004 4:36pm FLAG
Tyrone Biggums you rock

Tyrone Biggums Apr 10 2004 11:01pm FLAG
My names Leonard Washington where im from a little town called none of your god damn business.

Leonard Washington Apr 11 2004 5:30pm FLAG
Want some grapes?.......................Bitches.

Prince Apr 11 2004 7:13pm FLAG
stop being racist, you are seriously gay for saying all that. why can't you just cares what the persons skin color is.. that sounds stupid but honestly, a person is a person is a person and so on, so stop being a close minded little bitch and learn some respect

adayz Apr 12 2004 10:39am FLAG
beautiful why dont you click your heels 3 times and go back to africa.

silky johnson Apr 13 2004 12:06am FLAG
We all came from God. We all came from Adam and Eve. How can you talk to your brothers and sisters this way? God = Love. <><

Jesus Apr 13 2004 6:31pm FLAG

Anonymous Apr 15 2004 7:41am FLAG
I always wanted to say this........Fo' Shizzle

Tiger Tiger Woods Y'all Apr 17 2004 5:17pm FLAG
black people are all chocolate rabbits who are all talk.

uncle sam Apr 19 2004 3:29pm FLAG
adayz is a hes talkin about.

uncle sam Apr 19 2004 3:30pm FLAG
adayz is a hes talkin about.

uncle sam Apr 19 2004 3:30pm FLAG
pot makes u feel good

uncle sam Apr 19 2004 6:03pm FLAG
pot makes u feel good

uncle sam Apr 19 2004 6:03pm FLAG
Hey rs, we need to kook kokane and sell it on the streets, See ya. P.S. Prhhhhhhhh

Conroe Wallace Apr 20 2004 2:31pm FLAG
Hey rs, we need to kook kokane wif bking soda and sell it on the streets, see ya. P.S. Prhhhhhhhhhh

General Cornroe Wallace Apr 21 2004 1:57pm FLAG

gugalug Apr 22 2004 1:10pm FLAG
ok all of you people who are getting pissed off are stupid. This guy just copied it from a show called the Chappelle show. IM RICK JAMES BITCH

Rick James Apr 22 2004 5:05pm FLAG
thats really sad that u dont watch the Chappelle show......

Rick James Apr 22 2004 5:06pm FLAG

Rick James Apr 22 2004 5:07pm FLAG
S-stop plz u-ur being ignorant....t-thats just ignorant...its just ignorant...

Micheal Jackson, bitches Apr 22 2004 5:08pm FLAG
go your mother

motherer Apr 22 2004 5:30pm FLAG
Black people are hurting society. They are useless welfare mongers who aren't even appreciative of the fact that EVERYTHING IN SOCIETY GOES THEIR WAY - - -- - - they're all just too lazy to help themselves out so they complain. It's true.

Truth Sep 28 2004 2:22pm FLAG
kkk rules

the wigger hater Dec 08 2004 5:13pm FLAG
s should all get back on the baots they came on

the wigger hater Dec 08 2004 5:14pm FLAG

the wigger hater Dec 08 2004 5:15pm FLAG

Anonymous Dec 08 2004 5:15pm FLAG

Anonymous Dec 08 2004 5:15pm FLAG
I heard about some crack at 5?

Tyrone Biggums Jan 17 2005 2:21pm FLAG
Why dont you all just out!! Nobodys perfect, except for me.

Anonymous Feb 07 2005 11:29pm FLAG
long live nero

nero impersenator Mar 09 2005 1:39pm FLAG

Jul 20 2005 8:18pm FLAG

coon Jul 20 2005 8:18pm FLAG
watever i dont give a

rene lopez Jan 25 2006 4:45pm FLAG
you all smell like bitchs

diana contreaes Jan 25 2006 4:46pm FLAG
u all bitchs

edward jones Jan 25 2006 4:46pm FLAG
heck is suppose to be f@#$

Anonymous Jan 25 2006 4:47pm FLAG
anonymous is edward jones bitch

edward jones Jan 25 2006 4:48pm FLAG

Anonymous Jan 25 2006 4:49pm FLAG
Give advice:

